Tailored Solutions for Your Unique Needs

Water Tech, Inc.'s Commodity and Custom Chemicals

Precision Chemistry for the Energy Industry

At Water Tech, Inc., we believe in the transformative potential of chemistry to address the environmental challenges faced by various industries. Our commitment to innovation extends beyond our expertise in water treatment technologies. We’re now your trusted partner for Commodity and Custom Chemicals, offering tailored solutions to meet your specific requirements. Whether you need peroxide, trimethylene, methanol, amines, calcium chloride, or a range of other chemicals, we’re here to empower your operations with advanced chemistry.

Our journey into Commodity and Custom Chemicals has been driven by the same dedication to sustainability and efficiency that has made us a leader in the industry. We understand that chemical solutions must be precisely tuned to your needs, and that’s where we excel. Explore our comprehensive range of chemicals and discover how they can elevate your operations to new heights.

A long white hydrogen peroxide tank on a portable transloader. It is a sunny day and there is a long red hose running from the top of the tank.

Elevate Your Operations with Performance Chemicals from Water Tech, Inc.

Water Tech, Inc.’s Commodity and Custom Chemicals division provides a wide range of chemicals designed to enhance the performance, safety, and efficiency of your industrial processes.

We provide:

Tailored Formulations

Customized chemical formulations to match your unique requirements.

High-Quality Standards

Our chemicals meet rigorous quality standards to ensure consistent results.

Operational Efficiency

Optimize your processes for increased efficiency and reduced downtime. 

Environmental Responsibility

Chemical solutions designed with a commitment to sustainability.


Achieve cost savings by minimizing waste and improving process reliability.

Our Comprehensive Specialty Chemical Lineup


Protect your systems from microbial growth and maintain water quality.

Hydrogen Peroxide

A versatile chemical with numerous applications, including disinfection and oxidation. 

Triethylene Glycol (99% Prime)

Ideal for gas dehydration and maintaining moisture levels. 


A crucial component for preventing hydrate formation in natural gas. 


Improve fluid flow and reduce gas interference in various processes. 

Scale Inhibitors

Prevent the formation of scale deposits that can obstruct pipelines and equipment. 

Corrosion Inhibitors

Protect vital components from corrosion, extending their lifespan. 

Calcium Chloride

Useful in various industrial applications, including ice melting and dust control. 

Paraffin Inhibition

Effectively manage paraffin buildup in oil and gas operations.

How It Works

Our process for delivering Commodity and Custom Chemicals is built on precision and efficiency:

We start with an in-depth consultation to understand your specific chemical needs and operational goals.
Custom Formulation:
Our experts create customized chemical formulations tailored to your industry and application.
Quality Control:
Rigorous quality control measures ensure that our chemicals meet the highest industry standards.
We provide reliable and timely delivery of your chemicals, with options for bulk and tailored packaging.
Technical Support:
Our team offers ongoing technical support to help you optimize chemical usage and achieve the desired outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our chemicals are designed to meet the diverse needs of industries, including oil and gas, manufacturing, food and beverage, and more.

Absolutely. We specialize in tailoring chemical formulations to match your unique requirements.

Yes, we are committed to sustainability and offer environmentally responsible chemical solutions.

Contact us today, and our experts will be delighted to schedule a consultation to discuss your specific chemical requirements.

Experience the Transformative Power of Water Tech, Inc.'s Commodity and Custom Chemicals

Contact us now to discuss your unique chemical needs, and let us tailor a solution that maximizes efficiency, minimizes environmental impact, and drives success.

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